Friday, June 28, 2013

23 & 24 weeks

Some of the pregnancy apps had 23 & 24 week baby size confusing. Some said grape fruit and some said corn.

I did corn again this week b/c the apps said corn or cantaloupe, and I didn't want to buy cantaloupe with the Listeria problems. Hopefully the apps weren't be so confusing in the future. :)
I'm 24 weeks!


Pregnancy Highlights:

Due Date: October 18, 2013

How Far Along: 24 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby O is as big as an ear of corn!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 11.5 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Most maternity bottoms but some tops.  

Gender: GIRL!

 Anniston Joy O'Neal

Movement: I LOVE feeling her move. She moves a lot at night and early in the morning...mostly when I’m relaxing.

Sleep: Sleeping well!

What I miss: Umm...I'm enjoying everything right now! :)

Cravings: My cravings have subsided greatly. My cravings still taste good, but I don’t have a strong urge for anything.

Symptoms: Still feeling good! I feel so blessed b/c many pregnant women are suffering with this Louisiana heat, but I don’t even feel pregnant...except for my growing belly. Both my doctors keep telling me how lucky I am to feel great (no constant back pain, headaches, or swelling). I’m sure the uncomfortable part is coming -> 3rd Trimester.

Emotions: Blessed! At my ultrasound with my specialist, we learned that baby girl is a week ahead of schedule. I was 23 ½ weeks, and she was measuring 24 ½ weeks! She weighs 1lb 8oz. I am so grateful that she is growing well because women with my blood clotting disorder often struggle with their babies growing slower. I feel as if Anniston said “Mommy, those shots are working,” when we heard that she was growing ahead of schedule! :)


Looking forward to: The nursery chandelier came in so I’m looking forward to J putting it up!

Monday, June 17, 2013

22 weeks

I'm 22 weeks!


Pregnancy Highlights:

Due Date: October 18, 2013

How Far Along: 22 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby O is as big as a spaghetti squash or papaya! No pic with fruit or veggie this week—Super1 only had spaghetti squash and papaya that weighed 4 and 5 lbs! It just didn’t make sense to use those b/c Anniston is only like 1 lb.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 6.5 lbs (probably more after vacation! ha!)

Maternity Clothes: Most maternity bottoms but some tops.  

Gender: GIRL!

 Anniston Joy O'Neal

Movement: I LOVE feeling her move. Justin has felt her move, which was so exciting to include him in this special time.

Sleep: When I sleep well, I usually dream. It's crazy how I remember all of my dreams!

What I miss: I have yet another cold! :( This definitely makes me miss taking the good, strong medications.

Cravings: My cravings for Salt & Vinegar are starting to subside some. Apple Juice still tastes like the best thing ever! I've also had two Humphreys with fruit and honey that were AMAZING in the last few weeks.

Symptoms: Still feeling good except for the stupid cold.

Emotions: Excited! We have made lots of progress in the nursery. We purchased a baby bed and J put it together.  We also have a mattress in it! We have ordered the material for her bedding, chandelier, and glider. :)


Looking forward to: Showers! :) I’ve had a few people contact be about baby showers, which is so special that people want to welcome our baby girl! Justin and I registered at Target on Saturday, so we are making progress!
The baby bed in the nursery!

Anniston's butterfly is up in the children's building at church! :)

I love this pic of me and my sisters!


Friday, June 7, 2013

21 weeks

I'm 21 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Due Date: October 18, 2013
How Far Along: 21 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby O is as long as a carrot!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 6.5 lbs (probably more after vacation! ha!)
Maternity Clothes: Most maternity bottoms but some tops.  
Gender: GIRL!
 Anniston Joy O'Neal
Movement: I felt her home for the first time on Monday, June 3rd! It was so neat and weird at the same time. Now, I love feeling her move everyday! So special!
Sleep: When I sleep well, I usually dream. It's crazy how I remember all of my dreams!
What I miss: Being able to turn over quickly while sleeping.  My belly is much heavier and requires extra care when turning over at night.
Cravings: My cravings for Salt & Vinegar are starting to subside some. Apple Juice still tastes like the best thing ever! I've also had two Humphreys with fruit and honey that were AMAZING in the last few weeks.
Symptoms: Still feeling good!
Emotions: Relaxed and anxious! I have really enjoyed this week by doing a lot of relaxing at home, but I am anxious to get her nursery together. I ordered some gowns, headbands, and a few nursery items from etsy this week!

Looking forward to: Our maternity and newborn photography session has officially been booked! I can't wait to work with our photographer, Love by Lindey! J

Monday, June 3, 2013

20 Weeks & Babymoon

I'm 20 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
Due Date: October 18, 2013
How Far Along: 20 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby O is as long as a large banana!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 6.5 lbs (probably more after vacation! ha!)
Maternity Clothes: Most maternity bottoms but some tops. I have had more people even some strangers notice my bump!
Gender: GIRL!
 Anniston Joy O'Neal
Movement: None yet! It should be soon! I can’t wait!
Sleep: When I sleep well, I usually dream. It's crazy how I remember all of my dreams! Some are creepy, like last night I dreamed about snakes and rats! Yikes!
What I miss: Caffeine, Boiled Crawfish, & Good Medicine when sick!
Cravings: My cravings for Salt & Vinegar are starting to subside some. Apple Juice still tastes like the best thing ever! I've also had two Humphreys with fruit and honey that were AMAZING in the last few weeks.
Symptoms: Still feeling good! I've had a few instances of heart burn, but nothing too bad.
Emotions: Relaxed and Blessed! J and I had the most amazing 'Babymoon' trip to the beach with a few close friends. There is something magical about laying on the beach for a week. I constantly thanked God for the beautiful beach and my precious baby girl growing inside of me!

Looking forward to: J and I plan to clean out Anniston's closet and get started on the nursery soon. Next week, I am going shopping with my mom and Meme to pick out fabric for her bedding! J

Here are some pics from our beach trip:
Our week started off great with our close friends, Cole and Brooke, getting engaged on the beach! 

Best View Ever!

Anniston racked up at the outlets!!!

Dinner with my man!